Plan to keep graduates in Trinidad emerges from wake of low-opportunity exodus
本杰明·曼德尔—— 记者:由 的Chronicle-新闻


Trinidad educators have seen student after student leave the town after graduation with a feeling that Trinidad no longer offers them a life filled with opportunities. Now, a group of locals is seeking to change the trend, and keep more of those graduates 他们成长的地方.

正规的购彩app下载和特立尼达学区. 我希望创造一个 eco-system of high-demand jobs on its campuses that can keep Trinidad graduates within the city, following in the footsteps of a Fremont County initiative called Emergent 校园.

“的 long and short of it is, this is about our kids,” TSC President Dr. 朗达ep 说. “This is about building a Trinidad where our kids have opportunities to thrive, to be educated and to have pathways into career fields that lead to a sustainable 生活工资. 我们希望我们的孩子留在特立尼达. 我们希望他们能够接受教育 in a field in which they don’t have to leave town in order to pursue viable career 机会也好,去大城市找工作也好.”

Part of the exodus of graduates stems from a lack of opportunity in Trinidad, and low wages from the opportunities that are here, compared to markets such as Denver, Colorado Springs and Albuquerque, which all boast higher per capita incomes.

“I will tell you that since I’ve been president of 正规的购彩app下载, I’ve had so many discouraging conversations with young people who really don’t see much of 他们的经济未来,”Dr. ep说. 2020 U.S. 人口普查数据显示 has a median household income of $40,700, while larger communities such as Denver, Colorado Springs and Albuquerque sit at $78,100, $71,900 and $56,300, respectively.

Emergent 校园 (EC) would attempt to stop the exodus, and provide increased economic opportunity — helping not only students, but also bringing in new blood to the city, continuing the revitalization efforts undertaken by Trinidad City Council and private 开发人员.

的 idea for EC — which originated in Fremont County, where beyond employment for the Colorado Department of Corrections job opportunities lacked — has been touted as a possibility for Trinidad, which has similarities to Fremont County.

首先,人口结构是相似的. 这个项目在这里也可以很好地发挥作用 to the proponents, due to the already established “successful” blueprint, business 合作伙伴关系及其沿25号州际公路走廊的位置.

这个项目在弗里蒙特县有多成功? 自推出以来,校园内一片欣欣向荣 以前的小弗洛伦斯./Sr. 这所高中已经帮助创办了18家企业 该社区约有70名员工. 还有100多个地点中立 workers in the area, supported by larger tech companies who moved in during the EC-revitalization.

“We have a successful blueprint we use in Fremont,” 说 Brad Rowland, CEO of EC. “We have businesses that want to extend out into other communities.”

的 project will most likely need community buy-in to be successful. 而弗里蒙特号 County community supported the idea, it didn’t believe Rowland could bring it to fruition. TSC and TSD1 have started to garner community buy-in, with multiple presentations to the TSD1 Board of Education, and a community launch for invitees last week. 的 community launch included representatives of 开发人员, business owners, government 官员、教育工作者和当地人.

在州一级,决策者看到了这个项目的潜力. 的伙伴关系 attempted to secure $7 million through the Colorado Opportunity Now Grant, falling 在前20个项目中. (最后一轮的三个项目全部入选 丹佛).

Dr. ep说 despite the shortfall in initial funding, the project will move forward, arguing that if the group had been allowed to present in person she believes it would 已收到资助. 其他方面已经落实到位.

TSD1 has agreed to set up the Trinidad EC within its historic Park Street building, 目前是空缺的. TSC,目前正在进行重大校园装修,计划 创建创客空间,EC教室和工作空间.

“It’s a really powerful concept, and we’re excited about the opportunity,” Dr. ep 说.

Trinidad Mayor Phil Rico, who during his final years as mayor has attempted to turn Trinidad self-sufficient in terms of employment opportunities, supports the idea.

“It goes to show you what a small community can do if there’s initiative and just 愿意做点什么,”里科市长说. “……我认为这是一个机会, 而这正是我们在特立尼达真正需要做的. 我们需要仔细观察 at what opportunities there are for our community and for our area.”

He asked why not Trinidad, noting that Trinidad is similar to Fremont County on a 规模较小. 这两个城市都位于农村,靠近人口中心. 两者都依赖于工业 最终出现了衰退. 两者都有空间给他们带来新的生活 各自的社区.

“Several years ago Trinidad became an economic downturn with the closing of our coal 里科市长说. “在那之后,我们得到了一些缓解(当)自然 煤气工业、大麻工业开始运作. 这些行业从那时起 经历了低迷. 新麋鹿矿最近关闭了,留下了一个大洞 我们拥有的就业机会. 自从委员会意识到我们需要 更可持续的经济.”

He pointed to the efforts through the creative industry and recreation industry growth seen within Trinidad — with the launch of Space to Create and the opening of Fishers 山顶州立公园.

“的 opportunity is there,” Mayor Rico 说 of the emerging tourism and creative industries. “However, these industries are also seasonal, so some months may not provide a consistent 我们需要的经济影响. 我们需要引进主食店和其他类型的企业 中小型工业的经济更加稳定.

He 说 the current industries in the city, such as energy production, education, local government, automotive and agriculture are not able to produce high paying jobs.

“And that’s what’s interesting, because that’s what Brad was showing what the opportunity is here to bring in additional high paying opportunities,” Mayor Rico 说 of the 建议.

He 说 the city needs to find a way to keep youth and families from leaving Trinidad, 这可以通过欧共体加以遏制吗.

“特立尼达正处于复兴之中,”市长里科说. “我们不能,我们 不能失去这种势头.”