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Return of Title IV Funds

Return of Title IV Federal Financial Aid Funds

Click here for official CCCS Procedures

法律规定了正规的购彩app下载必须如何确定第四章的金额 program assistance that you earn if you withdraw from school. Title IV programs covered 包括:联邦佩尔助学金,伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金,TEACH 补助金,直接贷款,直接加贷款,联邦补充教育机会 Grants and Federal Perkins Loans.

当第四章援助接受者完全退出TSC在结束之前 term, a refund of the aid will be calculated. The calculation will be based on the number of days attended compared to the total number of days in the semester. Withdrawal after 60% of the term is not subject to the return calculation. Aid used for tuition, 学杂费、书本费和食宿费将由学生和学院共同退还.

提款日期需要确定,以便计算金额 be returned. This will be the date the student began the withdrawal process with the 学生服务办公室,或以其他方式向学校提供通知 intent to withdraw. If the student drops without any notification, the midpoint of 该学期(退还50%的助学金)将作为退学日期或学生的最后一次退学日期 date of attendance at a documented academically related activity. If the withdrawal 由于疾病、事故或其他类似情况而未开始处理 由学生自行决定适当的退课日期. 如果在学期结束时,学生的成绩都是W、F或两者兼而有之, the actual last date of attendance will be used.

学院将以标题四项目的形式返还,金额以标准为准 calculation. That amount is now due to the College by the student. Additionally, the student will return any remaining unearned Title IV funds. (If the student needs to 根据他们需要的返还优先级,将资金返还给佩尔或SEOG项目 to return no more than 50% of the original amount). Students have 45 days to repay their portion. Shortly after 45 days have elapsed from the date the student was informed 如果学生没有偿还多付的款项,则以书面形式说明他们的还款义务 学院将向企业回收系统(ERS)报告超额付款。 for collection. The College will bill the student and it becomes the debt of the College. 在任何高等教育机构,学生仍有资格获得联邦第四章援助. 学生需要归还的贷款金额将按规定偿还 repayment schedule for the loan. The school refund to the loan will be credited to the original loan amount.

Example: 估计你可能获得的援助金额和学生可能需要的金额 return:
A student received a Pell Grant for $1,563 for full time enrollment of 12.0 credit hours. Student charges for the term totaled $726.20. The student completed 30 calendar days of the 111 days of the term.

Original Pell Award $1,563.00
Student withdraws after attending 30 calendar days (30/111)  
Percentage of Title IV aid earned 27% Amount of Title IV aid earned $ 422.01
Pell award amount of Title IV aid unearned (Title IV aid to be returned) $ 1,140.99
Institutional Charges incurred by student $ 726.20
Percentage of Title IV aid unearned 73%
Institutional Charges unearned $ 530.13
Title IV Aid to be returned by student, computed as follows:
(原始奖励-机构收费)=学生金额x未获得百分比/ 2 = total amount student must repay ($1563 - $726.20) x 73% = 610.86 /2 = $305.43 $305.43
Pell Funds to be returned to the Department of Education by the institution $ 530.13
Pell Funds to be returned to the Department of Education by the student $ 305.43

Post-withdrawal Disbursement

提款后支付的金额是金额之间的差额 of Title IV funds disbursed and the amount earned.
学院不得在退学后支付以下任何一种头衔 IV funds:

  • 第二次或后续直接贷款支付给未毕业或未毕业的学生 successfully complete the loan period.
  • 直接贷款支付给第一次,一年级本科生谁退出之前 在不被豁免的学院完成前30天的课程 the delayed delivery/disbursement requirement.
  • Direct Loan or Federal Perkins Loan disbursement to a borrower who has not signed the loan’s promissory note.
  • 支付给学院没有收到的学生的任何第四章资金 有效的院校学生信息记录或学生资助记录 prior to the student withdrawing or by the annual deadline published by the U.S. Department of Education in the Federal register.
  • 联邦佩尔助学金,FSEOG或珀金斯贷款支付的后续付款期 在完成非学期学分课程之前退出的学生 previous payment period for which the student has been paid.

Post-withdrawal notification requirements:

  • 通知必须包括作出明智决定所必需的信息 on whether the student or parent would like to accept the disbursement.
  • 通知必须在学院确定的日期后30个日历日内发出 the student withdrew.
  • 通知必须允许家长/学生决定他们希望获得哪些资金(如果有的话) to accept/decline.
  • 通知还必须说明,如果在14个日历日内没有答复 学院不需要支付提款后的款项 be returned to the Title IV programs.
  • 如果在14天内收到学生/家长的通知,学院将 must disburse loan funds within 180 days and grant funds within 45 days. If authorization 在14天的截止日期后收到,学院必须通知学生或家长 that the disbursement will not be made and why.

The order of return of Title IV funds will be as follows:

  • Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
  • Subsidized Stafford Loans
  • PLUS Loans
  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal SEOG


自学院确定该学生退学之日起45天内,学校应出具退学证明 College will return unearned funds for which the College is responsible.

  1. 自学院确定该学生退学之日起30天内,办理退学手续 College will offer a post-withdrawal disbursement, if applicable.
  2. 未向学院全额偿还多支付的助学金的学生,或进入学院 a repayment agreement with the College or U.S. Department of Education within the 自学院向学生发出通知之日起45天内 或从学院要求通知学生之日起45天内 of the overpayment will lose their eligibility for Title IV funds.
  • 寄给学生的信必须告知她/他所欠的美元金额,以及学费 偿还资金的方法,向谁偿还,以及失败的后果 to repay the funds. If the student repays the funds to the College, the financial 援助办公室将负责将未获得的资金归还给适当的项目.
  • 在学生收到书面通知之日起45天后 如果学生没有全额偿还多付的款项,他们的还款义务:
  • 学院将向国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS)报告。.
  • The College will refer the student’s overpayment to the U.S. Department of Education for collection. The referral must be on College letterhead.
  • 学院必须正确地报告任何令人满意的非学生资助计划付款安排 change the status code within NSLDS to reflect the same.

以上列出的费用、程序和政策取代以前公布的费用、程序和政策 and are subject to change at any time. Financial aid policies not listed here are available in the Financial Aid Office.

Consequences of Withdrawing
联邦基金可能无法支付所有未支付的机构费用 upon the student’s withdrawal. Therefore, you may still owe funds to the school to cover unpaid institutional charges. This includes Title IV program funds that the school was required to return on your behalf. Refer to Trinidad State College’s Refund Policy at

You will not be able to register for future terms or obtain transcripts until the balance you owe Trinidad State College is paid in full. Failure to pay the balance 如果您在45天内全额退款,可能会导致您的帐户被转介到企业恢复 System (ERS). In addition, you may be placed on an ineligible status for financial aid. Refer to Trinidad State College’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy at

NSLDS Disclosure

请注意,学生或家长所借的任何贷款将提交给 National Student Loan Database System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guaranty 被确定为数据系统授权用户的机构、贷方和学校.